+44 (0161 929 8355
Get more from your Client Feedback & Listening
Harness a blend of client feedback to identify and tap into new opportunities. Innovate with confidence to win more good work by constantly getting closer.
Understanding clients' perceptions of what they do and don't value about your services now and how that might change in the future is critical to future-proofing your practice - and to continuing development of your people, services and successful relationships.
If you constantly act on that more effectively than your competitors, your practice will be successful - retaining and winning more instructions from current clients and new prospects.
Have you got the right blend of client feedback?
To better inform and support your plans to keep building a stronger business, we can equip you to:
Are you acting on it across your practice?
We recommend a blend of initiatives and sources of client feedback that can include any mix of:
Any practice that gets the right, workable balance of these and other initiatives flowing from effective use of client feedback will build sustainable competitive advantage.
Let us help you look at this afresh
This is a great time to listen harder to clients. You know their expectations have changed ... but how?
AN EXAMPLE: You have changed how you use technology under the lockdowns and how you work - in a more hybrid environment - and so have your clients. What can you do to make that more of a benefit for your clients to help build stronger relationships? What should you change or develop to take advantage of that - which will vary between clients?
You are probably more in synch on how you use technology now than ever, but are you talking about it? If you do, there are plenty of opportunities to add more value to your service, when your competitors are not.
Why do this now?
Like most professional service firms, you will know that this will open up many new opportunities, but struggle to find the time.
Recent research confirms that professionals are frustrated by not doing enough. We know that listening to clients and the ammunition it provides is the best catalyst for positive change to support growth, but struggle to make the time.
Recent research reports that:
If you want to enable you and your colleagues to tap into more of the better opportunities you want, please talk to us now.
YOUR NEXT STEP: Schedule a free 1-hour video or telephone call here with Allan Carton.
Carton & Co - Consultants & Business Partners
☎ +44 (0)161 919 8355
VAT No: 414152045